Hi, my name is Heath Daniel
I'm a Full-Stack Web Developer.


An image of the author smiling.

I specialize in front-end and full-stack web development primarily using JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, and React.

My experience as a product manager and background in psychology allow me to deeply understand the software development process and build thoughtful user experiences.

I find most things interesting and would love to hear what you're working on. Don't hesitate to reach out!



A simple AirBnB-inspired platform where users can reserve specific dates on other users' listings.

This project was built with Node and Express on the back end, React on the front end, and MongoDB for the database.

A screenshot of the project

D3 Choropleth Map

A data visualization that fetches and then combines education and geographic data from separate API endpoints.

This project was built using plain JavaScript and the D3 and TopoJSON libraries.

A screenshot of the project

Markdown Notes

A static React app allowing you to create notes using markdown which are saved to local storage.

This project was built using React, React Hooks, and pure CSS.

A screenshot of the project

Desktop Pomodoro

A Pomodoro app for MacOS menu bar with break mode, custom intervals, and halfway and overtime notifications.

This project was built using Python and Rumps.

A screenshot of the project


Would you like to work with me? Awesome!

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